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Create A Parent Class For Your Spiders

A Simple Example

Take following basic spiders:

# Target:
from ruia import *

class CatalogueItem(Item):
    target_item = TextField(css_select=".sidebar-menu a")
    title = TextField(css_select="a")
    link = AttrField(css_select="a", attr="href")

    async def clean_link(self, value):
        return f"{value}"

class PageItem(Item):
    content = HtmlField(css_select=".content")

class GithubDeveloperSpider(Spider):
    start_urls = [""]
    concurrency = 5

    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        urls = [ for page in catalogue][:10]
        async for response in self.multiple_request(urls, is_gather=True):
            title = catalogue[response.index].title
            yield self.parse_page(response, title)

    async def parse_page(self, response, title):
        item = await PageItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
        print(title, len(item.content))

class GithubDeveloperSpiderSingleRequest(Spider):
    start_urls = [""]
    concurrency = 5

    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        for page in catalogue:
            response = await self.request(
            yield self.parse_page(response, page.title)

    async def parse_page(self, response, title):
        item = await PageItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
        print(title, len(item.content))

if __name__ == "__main__":

As you can see, there is quite a bit of common code in all the spiders - for example the start_urls and concurrency variables as they are standard in this project, and, of particular interest, the parse_page function. We'd like to refactor the commonalities into a parent class. To do this is very easy - we define the parent class with the common variables/functions contained:

class GithubSpiderParent(Spider):
    start_urls = [""]
    concurrency = 5

    async def parse_page(self, response, title):
        item = await PageItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
        print(title, len(item.content))

And then we can refactor the two spiders:

class GithubDeveloperSpider(Spider):
    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        urls = [ for page in catalogue][:10]
        async for response in self.multiple_request(urls, is_gather=True):
            title = catalogue[response.index].title
            yield self.parse_page(response, title)

class GithubDeveloperSpiderSingleRequest(Spider):
    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        for page in catalogue:
            response = await self.request(
            yield self.parse_page(response, page.title)

A More Complex Example

Say you wanted to dynamically initialise objects for the Spider sub-classes, e.g. a unique database connection for each class in which the data the spiders retrieve is inserted into. There are a few ways to go about doing this, but the most concise is to use a parent class, as above, with a few modifications. First let us define the database connection strings in the spiders. This tutorial assumes that the dataset ( library is pre-installed:

class GithubDeveloperSpider(GithubSpiderParent):
    start_urls = [""]
    concurrency = 5
    database_url = "sqlite:///developer.db"

    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        urls = [ for page in catalogue][:10]
        async for response in self.multiple_request(urls, is_gather=True):
            title = catalogue[response.index].title
            yield self.parse_page(response, title)

    async def parse_page(self, response, title):
        item = await PageItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
        print(title, len(item.content))

        # Insert the title as a row into the database

class GithubDeveloperSpiderSingleRequest(GithubSpiderParent):
    start_urls = [""]
    concurrency = 5
    database_url = "sqlite:///developer_single.db"

    async def parse(self, response: Response):
        catalogue = []
        async for cat in CatalogueItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            if "#" in
        for page in catalogue:
            response = await self.request(
            yield self.parse_page(response, page.title)

    async def parse_page(self, response, title):
        item = await PageItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
        print(title, len(item.content))

        # Insert the title as a row into the database

Now you may assume that the parent class for creating a database connection at initialisation would be something like this:

import dataset

class GithubSpiderParent(Spider):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Spider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.db = dataset.connect(self.database_url)

But this is incorrect. Why? Because of classmethods. It can be a slightly difficult concept to grasp - classmethods give you control of the class at a class level, not at an instance level (as self does) and therefore you must attach the database connection to the class instance. Thus to acheive the aforementioned goal the parent class needs to be so:

import dataset

class GithubSpiderParent(Spider):
    def start(cls):
        cls.db = dataset.connect(cls.database_url)

And developer.db should have been created.